My life in words. Hello! My name is Naomi J. Andrews. I am a writer, storyteller, biographer and now, a Mum. I have been intrigued with stories ever since I could read and ask questions. For me, who, what, where, how and why are the ultimate fascination.
Thankfully, I have some skill in getting people to open up, and in crafting words into evocative, thought-provoking, expressive and real prose.
My studies in print journalism and professional communications at the University of Southern Queensland
(Bmc and GradCert), have allowed me to build a career, and business, doing what I am passionate about.
(Bmc and GradCert), have allowed me to build a career, and business, doing what I am passionate about.
Career highlights:
- author of USQ’s 50/25 anniversary publication,
University of Southern Queensland: 50 Years 50 Stories
University of Southern Queensland: 50 Years 50 Stories
- magazine editor and features journalist with NewsCorp Australia;
The Chronicle, Style Magazine and Highfields’ Own
The Chronicle, Style Magazine and Highfields’ Own
- freelance corporate communications copywriter
I became a Mum in September 2020, and my life and heart expanded more than I ever could have imagined. As I writer, I had always intended to document my pregnancy. However it turned out, my body and my mind had other plans. While I have now written a retrospective of my pregnancy, as well as the birth, I discovered shortly after my daughter arrived that a lot of new mums wish they had the ability to record their pregnancy and/or birth stories. Unfortunately, the rollercoaster of new mummy hormones combined with broken sleep, varying energy levels and the plethora of new responsibilities and tasks required to keep your small miracle alive, makes writing a task that is very far down the To-Do list.
That’s where the idea for Now for Always began. I want to help new parents record their thoughts, feelings and emotions, as well as the facts, that comprise the story of their child’s birth. Or a mother’s pregnancy. Or a family’s history. Or a child’s life and achievements so far.
As my daughter, Zara, has grown and flourished, I’ve recognised that while she has become a part of our family story, she is also living stories that are all her own. I’ve wanted to learn more about mine, and my partner’s, childhoods, asking our mothers lots of questions and listening to their memories, which are our stories.
Everyone has a story. In fact, everyone has lots of stories. But the important ones, the ones that helped you become who you are, those are the stories worth recording so they can be shared and preserved.
No one in the world has the same story as you.
If you don’t know where to start to tell your story, or if you want to help someone else tell theirs, Now for Always is for you.